Wednesday 9 May 2012

Forever Knight

This Canadian supernatural drama most likely paved the way for the modern vampire detective. The protagonist, an 800 year old vampire named Nick Knight, works as a police homicide detective as a means to atone for centuries of merciless killing. His love in the modern times, a medical examiner also working at the department, also knows his secret and is helping him find a way to become human again. Or at least hold onto his humanity.

Any progress is impeded by LaCroix, the ancient vampire who sired Nick, and his paramour Jeanette. LaCroix has a late night radio program which often gives insight, and taunts, that help or hinder Nick in his various cases. There are often scenes where Nick is driving, the glittering city around him, with LaCroix's sinful and melodious voice filtering through the radio. Jeanette runs a bar where he often goes to for information or just simple company. The relationships with his former companions hinders more than helps and, at the end of the third series, Nick appears to tire of trying to live a human life.

This show came to life in the early nineties, long before Angel or Moonlight. Judging by the formula (a vampire trying to make good in order to find redemption) Forever Knight is immortalised in how a vampire detective, or even just the modern vampire, will be portrayed. He struggles, he falters, and (depending on the tone of the series) he will either find his salvation or succumb in the end.

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